Your Body


kəpíyehsəwal - your hair


kə̀təp - your head


ksísək - your eye


ktàwakʷ - your ear


kihtan - your nose


kànəwe - your cheek


kəton - your mouth


kətepèkkihkan - your chin


kkʷə̀tαkan - your throat


kətələmαkan - your shoulder


kənósαkan - your breast


kənonon - your nipple


kpətínahkʷem - your arm


kəskʷan - your elbow


kpíke - your rib


kiləss - your belly button


káte - your belly


kə̀čihčin - your thumb


kpə̀tin - your hand


kə̀ləči - your finger


kìkkʷe - your thigh


kkètəkʷ - your knee


kə̀lαn - your calf


kəsóskʷikan - your shin


kkíhtkʷesit - your big toe


kə̀sit - your foot




September 17, 1853

Guiding Henry David Thoreau on Pine Stream, a tributary of the West Branch of the Penobscot River, Joseph Attean kills a moose.