Your Body


kəpíyehsəwal - your hair


kə̀təp - your head


ksísək - your eye


ktàwakʷ - your ear


kihtan - your nose


kànəwe - your cheek


kəton - your mouth


kətepèkkihkan - your chin


kkʷə̀tαkan - your throat


kətələmαkan - your shoulder


kənósαkan - your breast


kənonon - your nipple


kpətínahkʷem - your arm


kəskʷan - your elbow


kpíke - your rib


kiləss - your belly button


káte - your belly


kə̀čihčin - your thumb


kpə̀tin - your hand


kə̀ləči - your finger


kìkkʷe - your thigh


kkètəkʷ - your knee


kə̀lαn - your calf


kəsóskʷikan - your shin


kkíhtkʷesit - your big toe


kə̀sit - your foot




April 7, 1604

French cartographer Samuel de Champlain leaves from France with a French nobleman, Pierre Du Gua De Monts, for Maine. They entered the Bay of Fundy by May, and later Champlain would meet Penobscot Chief Bashabez at the mouth of the Kenduskeag Stream on the Penobscot River.